
Kindergarten Kaleidoscope 

Welcome! lobby

SITE: Locust Street, Saint Louis, Missouri

PROGRAM: Kindergarten

Spaces are organized and implied through the use of color, reflection, and opacity, rather than solid walls. As the sun moves during the day, so do the washes of color, emphasizing calmer blues in the morning, and warmer, livelier oranges in the afternoon.

Final model

Carondelet Park Pool

SITE: Carondelet Park, Saint Louis, Missouri

PROGRAM: Pool and Recreational Center

Appearance of structure changes as sunlight hits different surfaces. Project is based on concept of figure/ground reversal as water fills a space.

Water begins as droplets- the figure upon a ground. As more water fills the space, the roles are reversed; water becomes ground and the objects, leaves and sticks, become figure. As water runs off, the droplets left behind return to being figure. 

Exaggerated terrain collects water to emphasize this concept.

Working drawing 

Monte Carlo Revisited

SITE: Monte Carlo, Monaco

PROGRAM: Wellness & Entertainment Center (Based on Archigram’s winning entry for the Monaco Leisure Center)

A public park and community garden above a sequence of public performance areas draws the community outdoors and provides inexpensive recreation for both locals and visitors to enjoy.

Concept model

Hide and SeekMost of the entertainment portion of the program (dance) is hidden beneath the wellness portion (gardens), to be revealed at night, when lights from performances escape through slits in the topography.
